Is Your Fireplace Safe????
Over time - fireplaces accumulate dirt, dust, rust, spiders, bugs, flying ants, and all sorts of surprises; the critters and dirt usually start out as minor issues but are often the source of serious damage and unsafe operating conditions that you can't see. Regular service will help keep you safe while lengthening the life of your fireplace.
Fireplace owners are rarely aware that their fireplace should be serviced yearly by a professional.
Find more info on my blog.
Having Your Fireplace Serviced Each Year Could Help You Save Big $$$$$ on your Gas Bill.
Gas Fireplace and Pellet Stove Manufacturers Strongly Advise that your fireplace or stove be serviced by a qualified fireplace service technician each year.
Yearly Service can help save you from costly future repairs due to normal wear, tear and neglect, but it will also help save on fuel consumption by making sure that the fireplace is operating cleanly and at it's most efficient capacity.
A Regularly Serviced Fireplace Can Save You Money and Help Keep You and Your Family Safe.
The benefit of having your pellet stove or gas fireplace serviced by a licensed and certified professional is that a clean fireplace not only runs more efficiently, but it is much safer, will last longer, and of course, it will be so much more pleasant to look at.
Call Today and Find Out How You Can Do Your Part to Help Conserve a Critical World Energy Source - Natural Gas.
If you've moved into a new home and have no idea of the previous service work that may have been done by either a well intentioned "do-it- yourself" homeowner or untrained technician, it's a good idea to not only have it thoroughly cleaned, but to have it checked for possible gas leaks and proper operation of the built-in safety features of your fireplace. Almost weekly I come across fireplaces that have had the safety features either "wired across" or removed from the system completely, don't let that be your family.
*** If you have any gas appliances in your home please invest in, at a minimum, two carbon monoxide detectors. Be sure to install one in your bedroom and change the batteries yearly.